The History of Mountain Grove Cemetery
Founded in 1849 by P.T. Barnum and Associates, Mountain Grove has continually invested in additions and improvements to the property. The result has been ever-increasing financial strength and accelerated development of the natural beauties of the landscape. It is known as one of New England’s most scenic cemeteries, and is beautifully landscaped with floral and shrubbery displays, ornamental trees, and a picturesque lily pond with a fountain.
Closely associated with Connecticut families who have lived in Fairfield County, it is the final resting place of P.T. Barnum, Charles Stratton (Tom Thumb), Fanny Crosby, Daniel Nash Morgan, and over 40,000 people of all faiths and from all walks of life. Not operated for profit, Mountain Grove is a mutual association, owned exclusively by all its lot holders and services all faiths.